# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lecture 1: DL models, orange juice example from Stock and Watson, 2007

# Required libraries: tseries, dynlm
  setwd("~/Desktop/Cam/MFin Lectures Lent")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# --- Ex 2: DL Models. Orange juice price and freezing degree days ----------------------------- 

 oj <- read.csv("http://klein.uk/R/Lent/oj.csv")

# --- Ex 2: a) --- 
# Generate a time series of the % of change in the ojfro, call it cojfro. Plot the data.  
# Test for unit roots. 

 # create time series object with ts()
 ojfro <- ts(oj$ojfro)
 cojfro <- ( (ojfro/lag(ojfro,-1)) -1 )*100

 ## Dickey Fuller test: 
 # Ho: series has a unit root
 adf.test(na.omit(cojfro), k=0)
 # We reject the hypothesis of a unit root in this time series 

# --- Ex 2: b) --- 
# Estimate a static model, with cojfro as dependant variable and frz as independent  
# variable. 

 frz <- ts(oj$frz)
 # create time series union object with ts.union()
 data2b <- ts.union(frz, cojfro)
 lm2b <- lm(cojfro ~ frz, data=data2b)

 sqrt(diag(vcovHC(lm2b, type="HC0")))

 sqrt(diag(vcovHAC(lm2b, weights=weights(lm2b)))) #NeweyWest(lm2b, lag=NULL)

# --- Ex 2: c) --- 
# Estimate a DL model for this data with cojfro as dependant variable and frz as  
# independent variable. 

 ## Distributed Lag model 
 dl2c.18 <- dynlm(cojfro ~ L(frz, 0:18))

 con2 <- sqrt(diag(vcovHAC(dl2c.18)))*qnorm(p=0.975)
 names(con2)[2:20] <- paste("lag", 0:18, "")

 # Plot the dynamic multiplier ...
 plot(0:18, dl2c.18$coef[2:20], type="l", col="blue", ylim=c(-.3,.8), xlab="Lag", ylab="Dynamic Multiplier")
 # ... and 95% confidence interval.
 con <- summary(dl2c.18)$coef[2:20,2]*qnorm(p=0.975)
 lines(0:18, dl2c.18$coef[2:20]+con, col="green")
 lines(0:18, dl2c.18$coef[2:20]-con, col="green")
 # ...and 95% confidence interval with HAC errors
 lines(0:18, dl2c.18$coef[2:20]+con2[2:20], col="red")
 lines(0:18, dl2c.18$coef[2:20]-con2[2:20], col="red")

 legend("topright",legend=c("Dynamic multiplier","95% confidence band","95% confidence band with HAC errors"),fill=c("blue","green","red"),bty="n")
 # There are many insignificant coefficients, let's simplify the model. 
 # Sequentially eliminate the insignificant terms. 

 dl2c.12 <- dynlm(cojfro ~ L(frz, c(0,1,12)))

 # Begin now with 7 terms. 
 dl2c.7 <- dynlm(cojfro ~ L(frz, 0:7))

 # Simplify the model. 
 dl2c.1 <- dynlm(cojfro ~ L(frz, 0:1))

# --- Ex 2: d) --- 
# Compute the impact and long-run multipliers 

 # The impact multiplier is 0.55 in the DL(12) and 0.51 in the DL(1). The long-run  
 # multipliers are 0.56 (0.55+0.15-0.14) and 0.64 (0.51+0.13) respectively. 

# --- Ex 2: e) --- 
# Compute the cumulative multipliers (plot them including confidence intervals). 

 # Take only the DL(18) model, assume that this is the "right model". 
 # Plot the cumulative dynamic multiplier based on the DL(18) model dl2c.18
 mul <- cumsum(dl2c.18$coef[2:20])
 plot(0:18, mul, type="l", col="red", ylim=c(-.4,1.6), xlab="Lag", ylab="Cumulative dynamic multiplier")

 # OR use the following equivalent model
 dl2e <- dynlm(cojfro ~ L(frz, 18) + L(d(frz, 1), 0:17))
 # to plot the cumulative dynamic multiplier...
 mul <- dl2e$coef[c(3:20,2)]
 lines(0:18, mul, col="blue")
 # ... and 95% confidence interval.
 con <- summary(dl2e)$coef[c(3:20,2),2]*qnorm(p=0.975)
 lines(0:18, mul+con, col="green")
 lines(0:18, mul-con, col="green")
 con2 <- sqrt(diag(vcovHAC(dl2e)))[c(3:20,2)]*qnorm(p=0.975)
 lines(0:18, mul+con2, col="red")
 lines(0:18, mul-con2, col="red")
 legend("topright",legend=c("Cumulative dynamic multiplier","95% confidence band","95% confidence band with HAC errors"),fill=c("blue","green","red"),bty="n")

 # Now take only the DL(1) model, assume that this is the "right model". 
 # The cumulative multipliers are: 0.51 ("impact") and 0.64 ("long-run"). 
 # To be able to estimate the standard deviations corresponding to each of these  
 # cumulative multipliers, let's estimate the following equivalent model: 

 dl2e <- dynlm(cojfro ~ L(frz, 1) + d(frz, 1))

 # Let's plot the cumulative coefficients and coefficients +/- 2 std. error (95% confidence  
 # interval). 

 L.frz <- dl2e$coef[2]
 d.frz <- dl2e$coef[3]
 plot(c(d.frz, L.frz) ~ c(0,1), type="l", col="blue", ylim=c(.4,.8))

 se.L.frz <- summary(dl2e)$coef[2,2]
 se.d.frz <- summary(dl2e)$coef[3,2]
 lines(c(d.frz + 2*se.d.frz, L.frz + 2*se.L.frz) ~ c(0,1), col="green")
 lines(c(d.frz - 2*se.d.frz, L.frz - 2*se.L.frz) ~ c(0,1), col="green")