My research interest is in market design, with a specific focus on matching markets. Matching is like marriage: both sides have to choose each other and prices don’t do (all) the work. The economic discipline of market design examines the reasons why markets institutions fail and considers the properties of alternative mechanisms. I seek to combine microeconomic theory and microeconometrical analysis to gain insights about the design of market rules and institutions.
Matching Markets | Zuordnungsmärkte
School Choice with Independent versus Consolidated Districts, Games and Economic Behavior, 2024. (with R. Aue and J. Ortega)
The Cost of Strategy-Proofness in School Choice, Games and Economic Behavior, 2023. (with J. Ortega)
A deferred acceptance mechanism for decentralized, fast and fair childcare assignment, Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design, 2021. (with T. Reischmann and S. Giegerich)
Alleinerziehende in der Betreuungsplatzvergabe: Status quo und Handlungsempfehlungen, Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 2024. (with H. Steinberg, S. Schüller, Y. Öztürk and P. Schober)
Effiziente und faire Verteilung von Lebensmittelspenden, Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 2023. (with M. Ott)
Die Regeln machen den Unterschied: Marktdesign, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 2019. (with V. Gretschko and A. Wambach)
Discussion papers
Access, Achievements, and Aspirations: The Impacts of School Tracking on Student Outcomes, ZEW Discussion Paper 24-076, 2024. (with M. Bach and S. McNamara)
Matching for Credit: Identifying Information Asymmetries in Joint-Liability Lending, ZEW Discussion Paper 24-070, 2024.
Analysis of Stable Matchings in R: Package matchingMarkets, Vignette to R package matchingMarkets, 2024.
Improving Efficiency and Equality in School Choice, ZEW Discussion Paper 22-046, 2022. (with J. Ortega)
What Happens when Separate and Unequal School Districts Merge?, ZEW Discussion Paper 20-032, 2020. (with R. Aue and J. Ortega)
matchingMarkets: Structural Estimators and Algorithms for the Analysis of Stable Matchings, R package, 2017.
Intermediation in Peer-to-Peer Markets: Evidence from Auctions for Private Loans, ZEW Discussion Paper 17-073, 2017.
Does Anti-Diversification Pay? A One-Sided Matching Model of Microfinance, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 1521, 2015.
Policy briefs
Tapping into People’s Impatience for Better Environmental Subsidies, ZEW Policy Brief #4, 2023. (with A. Atayev, G. Caspari and A. Hillenbrand)
Matching Practices for Trainee Teachers in Germany, Matching-in-Practice Country Profile #28, 2019. (with P. vom Baur)
Matching for Microcredit – Market Design Approaches to Financial Integration, ZEW News, December 2018.
How Market Design Can Make Food Donations More Efficient, ZEW News, July 2018.
Matching Practices for Childcare in Germany, Matching-in-Practice Country Profile #26, 2018. (with S. Herzog)
How Can Cities Handle the Stampede for Nursery Places?, ZEW News, July 2017.
Policy briefs (German)
Mit Digitalisierung gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung, ZEW Policy Brief #9, 2023. (with M. Ott)
Matching für Mikrokredite – Finanzielle Integration durch Marktdesign-Ansätze, ZEW News, November 2018.
Wie sich Lebensmittelspenden mittels Marktdesign effizienter gestalten lassen, ZEW News, Mai 2018.
Dezentrale Kitaplatzvergabe ohne Warteschlange: Ein Leitfaden, ZEW policy brief #4, October 2017. (with N. Fugger and T. Riehm)
Wie Städte dem Ansturm auf Kindertagesstätten begegnen können, ZEW News, Juni 2017.
Matching for Credit: Implications for Market Design and Econometric Analysis. Dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2015.
Why Do India’s Urban Poor Choose to Go Private? Health Policy Simulations in Slums of Hyderabad. Ibidem Press, 2012.
Microfinance 2.0 - Group Formation & Repayment Performance in Online Lending Platforms. Ibidem Press, 2010.
Data Markets | Datenmärkte
Access to New Data Sources for Statistics: Business Models and Incentives for the Corporate Sector, OECD Statistics Working Paper # 17/06, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2017. (with S. Verhulst)
Public-Private Partnerships for Statistics. Lessons Learned, Future Steps, OECD Development Co-operation Working Paper # 27, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2016. (with N. Robin and J. Jütting)
Making Data Portals Work for SDGs: A View on Deployment, Design and Technology, PARIS21 Discussion Paper # 8, Paris, 2016. (with G. Greenwell et al.)
An Indicator for Statistical Literacy Based on National Newspaper Archives, IASE 2016 Roundtable Paper, International Association for Statistical Education, Berlin, 2016. (with A. Galdin and E. Mohamedou)
Policy briefs
How Big Data Generated by Companies Can Be Used to Protect the Environment, ZEW News, Economic Policy Analysis, Issue 02/2018.
Wie sich Big Data weltweit für den Klimaschutz einsetzen lässt, ZEW News, Wirtschaftspolitische Analyse, Ausgabe 12/2017.
How to Measure Global Statistical Literacy, OECD Statistics Newsletter, Issue 66, 2017.
Measuring Support to Statistics in Developing Countries, OECD Statistics Newsletter, Issue 65, 2016. (with J. Jütting)
The Role of National Statistical Systems in the Data Revolution, Chapter 3: 2017 Development Co-operation Report, 2017. (with S. Badie et al.)
Rethinking Donor Support for Statistical Capacity Development, Chapter 4: 2017 Development Co-operation Report, 2017. (with S. Badie et al.)
Measuring the Value of Official Statistics, Chapter 5: UNECE Recommendations on the Value of Official Statistics, United Nations ECE, 2017. (with P. van de Ven)
Data for Development: A Needs Assessment for SDG Monitoring and Statistical Capacity Development, Technical Report, United Nations SDSN, 2015. (with J. Espey et al.)
2017 Partner Report on Support to Statistics, Technical Report, Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21).
2016 Partner Report on Support to Statistics, Technical Report, Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21).
2015 Partner Report on Support to Statistics, Technical Report, Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21).